This is a higher definition photograph of
the Panorama of the inside of the church (360 degree view), click
here if you would like a lower definition
copy (104Kb)
The 360 degree photograph was taken
inside the church of Oradour-sur-Glane, starting with the altar on the left of
view and then panning clockwise for a full revolution.
Starting on the extreme left is the altar, damaged in the fire on the 10th June
1944, it has been rebuilt (the cracks are very obvious close-up).
The window
through which Mme Rouffanche escaped is the lower middle one behind the altar. Next is the
small doorway which led to the presbytery
and on the floor a posed, destroyed pram, followed by the St. Anne's chapel
then by the St. Joseph's chapel containing the
W.W.I. memorial tablet which has
bullet holes in it.
The partially melted bells can be seen lying on
the floor under the window and
to their right is the main church entrance.
wooden confessional box (which escaped the fire) and was found to contain the
remains of two small boys is next, followed by the Lady Chapel, the door to the
sacristy and then back to the altar.
For an enlarged view, right click on the image and open in a new tab.

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© Michael Williams: July 2012