The memorial to the dead of W.W.I inside the church   

Memorial to W.W.I in church

    "A Nous Morts Glorieux Guerre 1914 - 1918" (To our glorious war dead 1914-1918). This memorial tablet is on the opposite side of the church to the entrance door and in the St. Joseph's chapel. The entrance door itself is out of view to the left. When the tablet was placed in the church, in France, World War I was just called the "War of 1914-18".

    Note the two bullet holes, which appear to have been fired from outside the church through a window to the right of the view. It has proven most difficult to take a good picture of this tablet because the strong light on the whitish stone reduced the contrast so much that it was hard even by eye on the day to make out the names inscribed on it.

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© Michael Williams: revised February 2012