Panorama of the entrance to the road to Peyrilhac showing reconstruction work
This photograph, is looking across the Rue Emile Desourteaux and down the D101 road to Peyrilhac. As can be clearly seen, some reconstruction work is in the process of being carried out and at the time the photograph was taken (September 2009) it was not possible to walk down the Peyrilhac road. This process of reconstruction / repair is more or less a constant occurrence these days and it is quite common to find parts of the village inaccessible. It takes much effort to keep an old ruin looking like a new ruin. The white building, just visible behind the blue scaffolding is the Masset Farm House, which served as the SS Field Post during the attack on 10th June 1944. The church is to the right-rear of the photographer. See also the close-up view of the road to Peyrilhac taken at the same time and the one taken in May 2010 without the scaffolding in place.. © Michael Williams: December 2010